Monday, July 6, 2009

Children's TV as torture!

Usually if I want to use the computer, the trade off with my 7 year old is "Noggin." Those of you who have NO idea what "Noggin" is, are very lucky. Let me enlighten you. Noggin is a 24 hour children's television station. I remember having the choice of Sesame Street, Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, and Warner Bros cartoons when I was a kid. But now there's tons and tons of such shows. I do have to say that in my many hours of being exposed to these shows, I haven't seen the least bit of questionable content. I feel absolutely comfortable letting her watch an episode I haven't seen (the episodes, like their content, repeat ad nauseum) when I'm not in the room. And they teach about things like science, math, recycling, etc, and values, like how to be a good friend (Yo Gabba Gabba! "Don't bite your friends! Don't bite your friends! Don't bite your friends!).

But OMG are they ever OBNOXIOUS. Can I just say, that I think Dora the Explorer is a bossy little thing? And that show where they teach Chinese, I cringe every time they refer to the character named Yeh-Yeh. It just sounds wierd and out of place. And the repetition! OMG the repetition. I know that repetition is the way little kids learn, but wow. It just seems SOOOOO excessive.

The other day, I wasn't in a great mood anyways, and Yo Gabba Gabba wasn't doing much to help it. I swear it was a YGG marathon or something. I reached a point where I decided that if I had to hear about giving a flower a swig of water ONE MORE TIME I was going to go in the kitchen and end it all! And only becuase it wasn't going to be possible to jump in the TV and slap DJ Lance and tell him to SHUT YOUR LITTLE FRIENDS UP! Like I said, I wasn't in a great mood that day.

But anyways, that's when the revelation came. They talk about how the detainees are being tortured with dubious techiniques like waterboarding to make them give up intel on terrorist activities. Nah, not necessary. And takes way too much effort. Just lock them in a room with a big TV on full blast, set to Noggin. They'll be crying like babies at the end of an hour, and offereing whatever information we want, just please MAKE IT STOP!

Seriously, are the people who come up with these shows, and the bands, on something? And will they share? Maybe I won't care so much when I'm having a bad day...

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  1. Actually, one of the 'torture techniques' practiced in Gitmo was playing Red Hot Chili Peppers and Christina Aguilera very loudly. Not quite as bad as Noggin though. :P

    I can't stand those kid shows sometimes.

  2. I'm just thankful that my daughter likes them, and it does keep her quiet and occupied when I need it! But at the end of Yo Gabba Gabba when DJ Lance says "It's almost time to go!" I say "YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" LOL!
